

RFC works with commercial entities to provide a wide range of services which include audits, reviews, compilations, bookkeeping, and tax preparation services.  We work with commercial entities of a variety of business environments to help achieve their accounting needs.  For profit entities are commonly required to have an audit or review in relation to debt issuance or loan agreements.  We are  here to help meet those and other accounting needs.

In addition, RFC has provided forensic reviews and assisted with internal control development for many companies.

Finally, our Charlottesville office is specialized in performing employee benefit plan audits throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.

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Services provided to commercial entities include:

·       Audits, reviews, and compilations of financial statements

·       Agreed upon procedures engagements

·       Audits of employee benefit plans and Form 5500 preparation

·       Forensic auditing services, including fraud investigation

·       Financial projection and forecasting

·       Information system design and risk assessment

Contact an office near you or click “Request a Quote” for more information.